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Events that moved the market Q3 2016

| Market Forces
  • 11 July 2016
    Source: Bloomberg News
    New high for S&P
    The S&P 500 rose 0.3% to above 2 143, ending a drought of 285 days without a fresh all-time high, the longest stretch outside a bear market since 1985.
  • 11 July 2016
    Source: Bloomberg News
    New high for S&P
    The S&P 500 rose 0.3% to above 2 143, ending a drought of 285 days without a fresh all-time high, the longest stretch outside a bear market since 1985.
  • 12 July 2016
    Source: Statistics SA
    SA profitability falls
    The average profit margin for the SA formal business sector has declined, from 9c to every rand between June 2006 and September 2008 to 5c between December 2013 and March 2016.
  • 13 July 2016
    Source: UN Conference on Trade and Development 2016 World Investment Report.
    Foreigners shy away from SA
    Foreign direct investment into South Africa has dropped by 69% to $1.8bn, its lowest level in 10 years.
  • 14 July 2016
    Source: Reuters
    UK rates on hold
    The BoE keeps rates on hold, indicating that it would likely provide stimulus three weeks later.
  • 20 July 2016
    Source: UK Office for National Statistics
    Fewer jobless in the UK
    UK unemployment falls to 4.9%, the lowest since the third quarter of 2005.
  • 21 July 2016
    Source: Bloomberg News
    UK sales drop
    UK retail sales drop by 0.9% in June. Is the Brexit outcome starting to bite?
  • 21 July 2016
    Source: fin24
    SA growth halts
    The SA Reserve Bank revises its growth forecast for 2016 down to 0%.
  • 26 July 2016
    Source: Bloomberg News
    SA rand debt downgraded
    Fitch downgrades SA’s local-currency debt rating to bring it in line with its foreign-currency rating – one notch above junk.
  • 3 Aug 2016
    Source: Bloomberg
    Bitcoin hack bites
    The renegade currency Bitcoin loses 20% against the dollar over three days as hackers steal $65m from the exchange.
  • 4 Aug 2016
    Source: CNBC
    BoE relaunches easier money
    The Bank of England cuts interest rates and restarts bond purchases to mitigate the impact of Brexit.
  • 8 Aug 2016
    Source: SA Chamber of Commerce and Industry
    Turning point?
    SA’s business confidence index rises to 96.0 points from 95.1 in June, lifted by a firmer rand and improvements in export volumes and retail sales.
  • 9 August 2016
    Source: Reuters
    EU waives fines for Spain, Portugal
    The EU agrees to cancel budget fines for Spain and Portugal. The waivers follow a similar decision last year when France missed its deficit targets.
  • 10 Aug 2016
    SA back in the lead
    Two years after losing the lead to Nigeria, SA is once again the largest African economy in terms of dollar GDP - $301bn.
  • 15 Aug 2016
    Source: Bloomberg News
    Pound still sliding
    The pound touches 87.03 pence per euro, the weakest level in three years.
  • 15 Aug 2016
    Source: CNBC
    US stocks edge even higher
    All three major US indices - the Dow Jones, S&P 500 and Nasdaq – reach a fresh high on the same day.
  • 24 Aug 2016
    Source: Statistics SA
    CPI slows down
    CPI decelerates from 6.3 in July.
  • 25 Aug 2016
    Source: Trading Economics
    German business confidence down

    The Ifo Business Climate Index for Germany fell sharply to 106.2 in August 2016 from 108.3 in the previous month, way below market expectations of 108.5.
  • 26 Aug 2016
    Source: CNBC
    Talk of a US rate hike
    At Jackson Hole Fed chair Yellen points out that she believes ‘the case for an increase in the federal funds rate has strengthened in recent months.’
  • 31 Aug 2016
    Source: Reuters
    Nigeria in recession
    Nigeria's GDP shrinks by 2.06% in Q2, officially marking a recession. The non-oil sector fell due to a weaker currency while lower oil prices are dragging down the oil sector.
  • 31 Aug 2016
    Source: BDLive
    SA trade surplus shrinks
    SA’s trade surplus declines to R5.22bn in July, down from June’s revised surplus of R12.47bn.
  • 31 Aug 2016
    Source: Nationwide Building Society
    UK homes more dear
    UK house prices rise 0.6 compared with a year earlier.
  • 31 Aug 2016
    Source: fin24
    Futuregrowth halts SOE loans

    Futuregrowth suspends further loans to Eskom, Transnet, Sanral, Landbank, IDC and DBSA after concern over the new government structure to oversee all state-owned enterprises (SOEs).
  • 1 Sept 2016
    Source: US Department of Labour
    US employment better than expected

    Jobless claims rise to 263 000, a much better level than the median forecast in a Bloomberg survey - 265 000. Dismissals are close to a four-decade low.
  • 6 Sept 2016
    Source: Statistics SA
    SA economy still growing
    SA economy grows by 3.3.
  • 6 Sept 2016
    Source: fin24
    Nasdaq hits new high
    US equities rally as analysts conclude the weak economic data recently released reduced the odds of a US interest rate hike in September.
  • 7 Sept 2016
    Source: Bloomberg News
    UK manufacturing cut
    UK manufacturing output for July falls 0.9, thanks to oil and gas output.
  • 7 Sept 2016
    Source: Bloomberg News
    Chinese reserves dwindling
    China’s substantial foreign-exchange reserves fall to to $3.19 trillion in August, the lowest level since 2011 as the central bank continues to defend the yuan.
  • 13 Sept 2016
    Source: fin24
    SA current account deficit shrinks
    SA's Q2 current account deficit narrows significantly to 3.1 in Q1.
  • 18 Sept 2016
    Source: Bloomberg
    Nigeria downgraded
    S&P downgrades Nigeria’s rating to B, 5 levels below investment grade, due to poor growth amid lower oil prices, a restrictive foreign exchange policy and delayed fiscal stimulus.
  • 21 Sept 2016
    Source: Statistics SA
    CPI within target range
    CPI drops from 6.0 in August, with transport one of the main contributors to the decrease.
  • 21 Sept 2016
    Source: Bloomberg News
    BoJ reignite stimulus
    BOJ keeps the benchmark rate at a negative 0.1.
  • 27 Sept 2016
    Source: Wall Street journal
    US confidence buoyant
    According to the Conference Board’s consumer-confidence index, US consumers have not been this confident since August 2007, the start of the financial crisis.
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