Categories: Market events Q4 2020

  1. SA current account in surplus
  2. SA exits recession
  3. Vaccine and Yellen boost stocks
  4. Naspers e-commerce thrives
  5. SA downgraded further
  6. Amazon faces antitrust complaint
  7. Vaccine news spin markets
  8. China halts Ant listing
  9. SA state wage bill frozen
  10. WeChat may stay
  11. Zambia defaults on Eurobond
  12. Global food prices jump 8%
  13. Pick n Pay earnings fall
  14. Implats earnings up 400%
  15. Apple surpasses $2 trillion
  16. Japan GDP growth worst in 40 years
  17. Euro area enters recession
  18. Shell loses $18bn
  19. US economy worst since 1940s
  20. IMF loan to SA
  21. SARB cuts by 25bps
  22. SA retail sales plummet
  23. CPI drops to 2.1%
  24. Amazon tops $3000 a share
  25. Consumer confidence at 35-year low
  26. Airbus and Boeing cut staff
  27. SA unemployment hits 18-year high
  28. UK job losses at 10-year high
  29. UK economy shrinks 20%
  30. SA confidence at record low
  31. ECB stimulus boosts rand
  32. PMI reaches record low
  33. SARB cuts rates by 50bps
  34. MTN sees data surge
  35. Chinese exports pick up
  36. US joblessness off the charts
  37. Edcon files for business rescue
  38. Landbank defaults on debt
  39. SA gets R500bn relief
  40. Business layoffs 1 out of 5
  41. Oil price drops below zero
  42. Chinese economy shrinks
  43. Gold hits R1m/kg
  44. SARB cuts deep again
  45. AB InBev halves dividend
  46. Moody’s downgrades SA
  47. SA lockdown announced
  48. SA cuts repo by 100bps
  49. Philippine market shuts down
  50. US cuts to zero
  51. Italy closes shop
  52. Trump bans travel from Europe
  53. BoE cuts rates
  54. WHO declares COVID-19 pandemic
  55. Sasol down on oil price drop
  56. Rand devalues rapidly
  57. Oil wars launched
  58. Fed cuts rates by 50bps
  59. SA recession
  60. Coronavirus hits Milan
  61. Anglo Gold exits SA
  62. SAA cancels slew of routes
  63. Tongaat Hulett loses 60%
  64. China ends year in panic
  65. SA cuts repo rate to 6.25%
  66. US kills top Iranian general

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