Categories: Market events Q3 2020

  1. inflation
  2. woolworths
  3. Discovery
  4. Harmony Gold
  5. momentum metropolitain
  6. Shoprite Checkers profits up
  7. SA GDP down 16%
  8. Implats expects 300% earnings rise
  9. Euro inflation turns negative
  10. Sun International
  11. RCL
  12. ABSA
  13. Nedbank
  14. game
  15. Standard Bank profit drops 43%
  16. Implats earnings up 400%
  17. Apple surpasses $2 trillion
  18. Japan GDP growth worst in 40 years
  19. TenCent posts good results
  20. UK economy shrinks by 20.4
  21. UK job losses at 10-year high
  22. Sasol writes down R112 billion
  23. US bans WeChat
  24. Sanral to deploy R30 billion
  25. Toyota profit annihilated
  26. Glencore cancels dividend
  27. Liberty reports R2.2 billion loss
  28. SAB cancels R5 billion investment
  29. Microsoft in talks with TikTok
  30. SA tax loss at R47 billion
  31. Euro area enters recession
  32. Alphabet’s revenue down
  33. Apple announces stock split
  34. Sappi reports $73m loss
  35. Shell loses $18bn
  36. US economy worst since 1940s
  37. IMF loan to SA
  38. Gold hits new record
  39. SARB cuts by 25bps
  40. SA retail sales plummet
  41. EU agrees on more stimulus
  42. Several companies cut dividends
  43. cpi drops
  44. Manufacturing
  45. consumer confidence
  46. Amazon
  47. Construction at record low
  48. Airbus and Boeing cut staff

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