Categories: Market Events Q1 2021

  1. Ever Given free again
  2. Tech stocks face delisting
  3. SA CPI at 2.9%
  4. Tesla to accept bitcoin payment
  5. SA GDP shrinks 7%
  6. SA Equities hit new high
  7. SA unemployment at record high.jpg
  8. Copper surges past
  9. Facebook cuts Australia news
  10. Copper and platinum at highs
  11. Asian stocks hit new record
  12. SA PMI up
  13. Alphabet
  14. Ford to invest $1bn in SA
  15. Silver at 8-year high
  16. African Bank
  17. More home buyers in SA
  18. Japan deflation at 1%
  19. PMI signals weak
  20. SA retail sales down 4%
  21. Fresh highs for global stocks
  22. US rejoins Paris agreement
  23. US yield curve steepens
  24. SA yield curve steepens
  25. China grows 2.3% in 2020
  26. US retail sales disappoint
  27. China imports 48 more from US
  28. Biden proposes $1.9trn stimulus
  29. SA manufacturing down 3.5
  30. Biden recognised as new president
  31. Alibaba and TenCent stumble

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