Categories: Market Events Q1 2020

  1. Oil falls further
  2. Easier rules for SA banks
  3. Global bond indices won’t rebalance
  4. SA mourns first Covid-19 deaths
  5. US joblessness off the chart
  6. SARB starts credit easing
  7. SA 10-year spikes above 12%
  8. SA to stay at home
  9. SA cuts repo by 100bps
  10. No increases for state workers
  11. Philippine market shuts down
  12. China joblessness jumps
  13. US cuts to zero
  14. Black Thursday
  15. Italy closes shop
  16. Trump bans travel from Europe
  17. Business confidence at 11-year low
  18. BoE cuts rates
  19. WHO declares COVID-19 pandemic
  20. Sasol down on oil price drop
  21. Rand devalues rapidly
  22. Oil wars launched
  23. First SA case of coronavirus
  24. Chinese shares hit 2-year high
  25. Fed cuts rates by 50bps
  26. SA enters recession
  27. Coronavirus hits Milan
  28. SA inflation rises to 4.5%
  29. Anglo Gold exits SA
  30. Eskom jobs on the line
  31. Chinese stocks and yuan plummet
  32. Tongaat Hulett loses 60%
  33. China ends year in panic
  34. SA cuts repo rate to 6.25%
  35. World Bank lowers SA GDP forecast
  36. Oil price up as Iran attacks US base

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